Cabana Films

The genius and visionary Creative Director of Roger Vivier

Produced by Cabana FILMS.


Direction, camera and editing: Luca Cèpparo

Audio: Louis Gallet

Location: Paris, France

Cabana Films – Gherardo Felloni Read More »

Cabana Films – Gherardo Felloni

“My father was very instinctive, he would walk into a room and know immediately what to do with it.”

Join Ashley Hicks for an intimate, deeply personal tour of the home he grew up in, designed by his father, the great English decorator, David Hicks.

Produced by Cabana FILMS.


Direction, camera and editing: Luca Cèpparo

Audio: Erik Winterstam

Location: Oxfordshire, UK

Cabana Films – David Hicks Read More »

Cabana Films – David Hicks

When I design a dress, I’m not really designing a dress, I design a state of mind

Produced by Cabana FILMS.


Direction, camera and editing: Luca Cèpparo

Audio: Louis Gallet

Location: Paris, France

Cabana Films – Giambattista Valli, Paris Read More »

Cabana Films – Giambattista Valli, Paris

It’s very hard to know why you’re attracted to something and not something else. Everybody’s taste is just as valid as everybody else’s. It’s just their taste, so you can’t say: that’s in good taste or that’s in bad taste. Or you can say: I like that, I don’t like that.

Why you like it or why you don’t like it, is a mistery.

Produced by Cabana FILMS.


Direction, camera and editing: Luca Cèpparo

Audio: Eric Winterstam

Location: London, UK

Cabana Films – Peter Adler, London Read More »

Cabana Films – Peter Adler, London

We need more parties. The world needs more parties. People need to break bread with each other.

Produced by Cabana FILMS.


Direction, camera and editing: Luca Cèpparo

Audio: Anna Khromova

Location: New York, US

Cabana Films – Bronson Van Wyck, New York Read More »

Cabana Films – Bronson Van Wyck, New York

Step inside one of the most remarkable galleries in Paris.

Housing an extraordinary collection of fine art and antiques, Galerie Kugel – established in 1958 by renowned art dealer, Jacques Kugel – resides within Hôtel Collot, an hôtel particulier on Paris’ Left Bank.

The vast, beautiful building provides a gallery space as unique and photogenic as the museum-worthy collection contained within.

The gallery is still run by the Kugel Family: brothers Nicolas and Alexis Kugel, who represent the fifth generation of a family of art dealers, and Laura Kugel, who represents the sixth generation.

A mesmerising tour through collected beauty at its most refined.

Cabana Magazine is a biannual interiors and decorative arts publication, exploring the intimate relationship each person has with interiors.

Produced by Cabana FILMS.


Direction, camera and editing: Luca Cèpparo

Audio: Louis Gallet

Location: Paris, France

Cabana Films – Galerie Kugel, Paris Read More »

Cabana Films – Galerie Kugel, Paris

One of England’s most exalted addresses and famously the setting for the film, Brideshead Revisited, Castle Howard is instantly recognisable the world over.

Built at the turn of the 18th century, the Yorkshire castle was designed by titans of English architecture, John Vanbrugh and Nicholas Hawksmoor, and bears all the hallmarks and secrets of their mastery.

It’s a journey into beauty. Everywhere you go, everywhere you look, there’s beauty,” says Nicholas Howard, whose family have lived at Castle Howard for more than 300 years.

Cabana Magazine is a biannual interiors and decorative arts publication, exploring the intimate relationship each person has with interiors.

Produced by Cabana FILMS.


Direction and editing: Luca Cèpparo

Camera: Luca Cèpparo and Erik Winterstam

Audio: Erik Winterstam

Location: Castle Howard, York, UK

Cabana Films – Castle Howard, York Read More »

Cabana Films – Castle Howard, York

For me, walls are always rather loaded, decorated. For me, walls are dressed so you can put fewer things on them. That’s really, let’s say, a professional distortion of mine.”

Step inside the resplendent Milan home of textile designer, muralist and Arjumand’s World founder, Idarica Gazzoni.

Cabana Magazine is a biannual interiors and decorative arts publication, exploring the intimate relationship each person has with interiors.

Produced by Cabana FILMS.


Direction, camera and editing: Luca Cèpparo

Audio: Fabrizio Foti

Location: Milan, Italy

Cabana Films – Idarica Gazzoni Read More »

Cabana Films – Idarica Gazzoni

A mesmeric journey through thousands of years of Greek art, history and culture, guided by George Manginis, director of the extraordinary Benaki Museum in Athens.

From 3000-year-old jewellery to intricate tapestries, arresting sculptures and even the home of literary icon, Patrick Leigh Fermour, the Benaki holds treasures of unfathomable beauty and importance.

Cabana Magazine is a biannual interiors and decorative arts publication, exploring the intimate relationship each person has with interiors.

Produced by Cabana FILMS.


Direction and editing: Luca Cèpparo

Camera: Luca Cèpparo – Erik Winterstam

Audio: Erik Winterstam

Location: Athens, Greece

Cabana Films – The Benaki Museum, Athens Read More »

Cabana Films – The Benaki Museum, Athens

Good morning Michael, I would like to thank you for the day we spent together for Cabana. It was really hard to select your audio and the words for the video. Everything you said was so interesting and inspiring. I hope you appreciate everything I decided to insert in the editing. It’s been a wonderful experience of life, really. Thanks again! Luca”

Hello Luca, how nice to hear from you. I was just going to start to look for you. Thank you so much for doing such a beautiful job. You are very gifted and made such a perfect product. I love what you did , I feel it is honest and truthful. It was a pleasure to meet you and work together.
My very best

Produced by Cabana FILMS.


Direction, camera and editing: Luca Cèpparo

Audio: Jon Russell

Location: West Cornwall, Connecticut – United States

Cabana Films – Michael Trapp Read More »

Cabana Films – Michael Trapp

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